Friday, February 15, 2013

Windows 7: The Top 10 Hidden Features

Hotkey a Window between Monitors

Want an easy and mouse-free way to move windows around a display or, better yet, between multiple monitors? When you press the Windows key + the left or right arrow key, the active window will move from its original position and anchor itself to the edge of the screen in the direction of the arrow, and it will do so across every monitor you have. Similarly, if you press Windows + SHIFT + left or right arrow, the active window will jump over to the same position on the adjacent monitor (so if you only have two monitors, it doesn't matter which arrow key you use).

Wipe Free Disk Space08

It's no secret (or at least, it shouldn't be) that when you delete files or folders in Windows, they're not actually erased—the space they took up is simply marked as "available for use," which allows the files to be recoverable (with the right software) until they're overwritten with new data.

There is a utility built-into Windows (even XP Pro and Vista) that will overwrite all the free space on a hard drive, insuring any files you've deleted stay dead. Launch a command prompt and type
cipher /w:X where X is the letter of the drive or partition you want to wipe. Be patient—the process can take a long time if you have a lot of free space.

Enhanced Calculator

Windows' built-in calculator hasn't really changed much over the years, but Windows 7's calculator has a few extra tricks up its sleeve, which you'll find under the View menu. It can do myriad kinds of unit conversion (temperature, weight, area, and eight others), interesting date calculations, and even has worksheets to calculate a mortgage payment or a car's fuel mileage. It maintains a history of your previous calculations as long as the program is open.

God Mode

It may be hyperbolically named, but Windows 7's God Mode is indeed omnipresent. It conveniently puts hundreds of settings from all around the operating system all in one place.

To turn on God Mode, create a new folder on your desktop--or anywhere you'd like--and name it: GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}. Don't include the final period. The resulting folder will contain 270 items, representing virtually every configurable option in Windows 7.

Pin Folders to the Taskbar

You already know that you can right-click your favorite programs and pin them to the Windows 7 Taskbar for easy access. Right? Although there's no such option for folders, there is another way to keep them close at hand on the Taskbar. Right-click any folder, drag it to an empty space on the Taskbar (or to the Windows Explorer button), and let go when "Pin to Windows Explorer" appears. Now when you right-click the Windows Explorer button, your folders will be accessible via the Jump List.

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